ज़रूरत a short story from the “Bodh Kathayen” 3rd Edition of the Hindi Stories book written by Dr. Madhukar Gangadhar, a Well known Senior Hindi Writer who was the Retd. Director of All India Radio.
He was the writer of around 100 Stories, Novels, Poems etc.
सुनाहै… is a poem written by Devesh Pratap, a long time ago and presented by Sapna Jain now. This poem has a different flavour. Listen to it and enjoy the feel.
Zeal Zindagi with Sap is the Podcast by Sapna Jain. In this podcast ज़िंदगीज़ायानाजानेदो is all about the life to live which is really short to stuck in any unusual things.
ऐस्त्री ! थोड़ाठहरतोसही is a poem dedicated to all those women who always try to be a Super Women sacrificing their existence even if she is Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Housewife or Professional.
The Poetry “चहेता मुसाफ़िर” is a free style poem dedicated to life of everyone from the heart of the poetry writer Sapna Jain. You can relate it with you in your own perception.
एक दिन ज़िंदगी के एक चहेते मुसाफ़िर ने ज़िंदगी से पूछा
Zeal Zindagi with Sap is the Podcast by Sapna Jain. In this podcast उन्हेंतुम्हारावक़्तचाहिएबस is all about the understanding between new generation and old people.
उन्हेंतुम्हारावक़्तचाहिएबस -
मैंहूँसपनाजैन … zeal zindagi with Sap केज़रिएमैंआपकोज़िंदगीकेकुछऐसेहल्केफुलकेपलोंकोजीनेकेलिएप्रेरितकरतीहूँजिसेसुनकरअगरआपकोभीजीनेमेंमज़ाआनेलगेतोमेरामक़सदइसपाड्कैस्टकोकरनेकापूराहोजाए।